Saturday, July 15, 2006

blowin in the wind

blowin in the wind, originally uploaded by ferentz76.

I am still getting re-acclimated to being back east and trying to catch up on the writing assignments that I have to turn in. Gradually, I'll start posting with some real verve again, but in the meantime I thought I'd share some images from my excursions out west with everyoe....


Anonymous said...

I was the very fortunate woman who exchanged homes with Ferentz and whose garden was photographed beautifully by Ferentz. We had never met before; only connected through craigslist. Do you want to revisit those carefree days of your youth when you actually trusted humanity? Do a house swap with a complete stranger and, if your experience was half as good as mine, you will be feeling good about the human spirit. Ferentz opened his handsome abode to me without so much as a reference, a driver's license, or monetary deposit -- typical of a craigslist swap. I slept, worked, watched Wimbledom, showered, cooked, and explored Brooklyn and beyond from Ferentz's homebase. Thank you, Ferentz, over and over for your incredible hospitality, the shared joy in trust, and learning about the marvelous person you are.

Smilin' Sista said...

I had to go back to this kinda poetic earlier summer NPR interview just now -- about survival, our small earth, and the mighty wind. If you wanna, listen to it here: story/story.php?storyId=5510299 Though I'm not truly science-minded, I remember it making me say hmmm. I believe too that your simply posting a purty pic under the caption "blowin' in the wind" triggered a profound response from your partner in home swapping, FL. As I glanced at it all, I thought again about good stuff like chance encounters -- those moments that are central to my survival and that remind me of our planet's teeny size... It sure is eye-opening to meet folk with whom I/we deeply connect all the way across the country or the world! It's as if we all started out together/on one accord, stayed that way, or (may have) got(ten) scattered/untrusting/nasty by or because of some powerful gust. If the guster were, say, God, He'd be sad about where we sometimes allow ourselves to end up.

Smilin' Sista said...
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